JFE Products

Factory Profile

JFE Steel Co., has exerted the utmost efforts to supply higher quality steel plates in response to customer’s throughout a history of more than 90 years. JFE Steel is continuously improving its production equipments, expanding its products types, and intensifying its quality control.

JFE steel has 3 world leading plate mills and manufacturing various kinds of steel plates product with maximum width of 5350 mm and thickness of 360 mm. JFE steel can provide with state-of-the-art product such as high strength steel, wear-resistant steel, low temperature steel, boiler and pressure vessel steel, nickel-based high atmospheric corrosion resistant steel, stainless steel and etc. JFE steel has a yearly production more than millions of tons.

JFE Abrasion-resistant steel plate

  • EH-360, 360A, 360LE
  • EH400, 400LE
  • EH-500, 500A, 500LE

JFE High strength steel plate

  • HITEN780S, 780LE
  • HITEN980S
  • HYD960LE